Operational Board

Operational Board

Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation

FUSP Advisory Board Bassan

Anna Chiara Bassan

Is a Ph.D. in Linguistics, a title obtained at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a thesis on pre-Latin verbal morpho-syntax. She mainly dealt with the Sabellic group (Osco-Samnite, Umbrian, South Picene), combining internal and external linguistic reconstruction with the deepening of (con)textual and socio-cultural dynamics. Besides scientific publications, she had recently collaborated on the latest number of Echtrai, an art and literary journal exploring landscapes lost, abandoned, forgotten, and mythic.
FUSP Advisory Board Mele

Salvatore Mele

Born Australia, 1960. Director of studies SSML di Vicenza and Belluno. Co-coordinator MA courses in translation, SSML di Vicenza.
After graduating with first-class honours in English from Sydney University, Mele began his translating career working mainly from the French (Michel Serres, Jean Baudrillard, and Marguerite Duras). After a postgrad stint in Paris, Mele accepted a teaching post at Ca’ Foscari in Venice before taking up his current post as Director of Studies at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici in Vicenza and Belluno. He still translates professionally and specializes in the fields of cinema, philosophy, art history, and architecture. His teaching and research interests include subtitling and multimedia translation, translation and censorship, CAT tools and localization, and translation in the L2 classroom. He is a member of the editorial board for the journal translation: a transdisciplinary journal.
FUSP Advisory Board Nergaard

Siri Nergaard

Teaches at the University of Florence in Italy, and at the University of South-Eastern Norway, commuting between the two countries. Her fields are translation theory, semiotics, and cultural studies, and her research focuses on transdisciplinary aspects of translation. In addition to numerous articles, Nergaard is author and editor of several books in Italian on translation studies. Among her most recent publications are "Umberto Eco’s Translation Theory" in The Philosophy of Umberto Eco (Open Court 2017), and her book Translation and Transmigration (Routledge 2021). Nergaard is Director of FUSP – Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation and Editor-in-Chief of the journal, translation. a transdisciplinary journal.
FUSP Advisory Board Schiavi

Giuliana Schiavi

Teaches English–Italian Translation and Translation Theory at the Vicenza SSML where she is the Academic Coordinator for the MA courses in English–Italian and German–Italian translation, and Arabic–Italian literary translation. She has taught at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice’s postgraduate degree course in Translation and Translation Studies, and has served as workshop leader for several BCLT literary translation seminars at the University of East Anglia. Her areas of special interest and research are translation and narrative structures, and specifically the identification of the translator’s "voice" in the translated matrix (see "There Is Always a Teller in a Tale" published in Target).
Schiavi’s theoretical interests derive directly from her engagement as translator with Thackeray, Henry James, Howells, Ahdaf Soueif, Olaudah Equiano, and Kgebetli Moele.