Advisory Board

Advisory Board

Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation

FUSP Advisory Board Arduini

Stefano Arduini

Is full professor of Linguistics and dean of the Department of Arts, Music and Performing Arts at the University of Rome Link Campus. He has taught General Linguistics at the University of Urbino, at the University of International Studies of Rome, at the University of Modena and, in Spain, Comparative Literature at the University of Alicante and at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. He is president of the Unicampus San Pellegrino Foundation. Since 2001 he has been a member of the Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship in Philadelphia. In 2005 he was appointed honorary life professor of the Universidad Nacional San Marcos in Lima (Peru). He is one of the founders of Translation. A Transdisciplnary Journal. Among his publications: Prolegomenos a una teoría generál de las figuras, Murcia, Universidad de Murcia 2000; Metaphors, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2007; Paradoxes, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura 2011; Con gli occhi dell’altro.Tradurre, Milan, Jaca Book 2020 (Russian edition 2021, English and Spanish editions 2022); Translations in search of an original. The Bible and his translations, Milan, Jaca Book 2021. Translator of Juan de la Crux, he began with Qoheleth, the translation of the Five Megillot (Qoheleth, Ruth, Canticle of Songs, Lamentations, Esther).
FUSP Advisory Board Baer

Brian James Baer

Is Professor of Russian and Translation Studies at Kent State University and Leading Research Fellow at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He is founding editor of the journal Translation and Interpreting Studies and co-editor of the Bloomsbury book series Literatures, Cultures, Translation. His publications include the monographs Other Russias: Homosexuality and the Crisis of Post-Soviet Identity, Translation and the Making of Modern Russian Literature and Queer Theory and Translation Studies: Languages, Politics, Desire, as well as the collected volumes Beyond the Ivory Tower: Re-thinking Translation Pedagogy, with Geoffrey Koby, Researching Translation and Interpreting, with Claudia Angelelli, Translation in Russian Contexts, with Susanna Witt, and Queering Translation, Translating the Queer, with Klaus Kaindl. His most recent translations include Culture, Memory and History: Essays in Cultural Semiotics, by Juri Lotman, Introduction to Translation Theory, by Andrei Fedorov, and the novel Red Crosses by Belorussian writer Sasha Filipenko. He is the current president of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association.
FUSP Advisory Board Bandia

Paul F. Bandia

Is Professor of Translation Studies in the Department of French at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He is an Associate Fellow of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute at the Hutchins Center, Harvard University. He is currently a member of the Executive Council of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) and President of the Association for Translation Studies in Africa (ATSA). Professor Bandia’s interests lie in translation theory and history, postcolonial studies, and cultural theory. He is the author of Translation as Reparation: Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa (2008); editor of Orality and Translation (2017); special issue, Translation Studies, vol. 8, no. 2 (2015); Writing and Translating Francophone Discourses: Africa, the Caribbean, Diaspora (2014); co-editor of Charting the Future of Translation History (2006) and Agents of Translation (2009).
FUSP Advisory Board Bassnett

Susan Bassnett

Is a writer and scholar of comparative literature and translation studies. She is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Glasgow, and Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick. She was educated in several European countries, began her academic career in Italy, and continues to lecture in universities around the world. Author of over 20 books, her Translation Studies (4th edition, 2013), which first appeared in 1980, has remained in print ever since and has become an important international textbook in this field. Her Comparative Literature (1993) has also become internationally renowned and has been translated into several languages. She has published widely on Latin American literature, women’s theatre history, and poetry. Her most recent book is World Literature and Translation (2018). Bassnett is also a well-known journalist, poet and translator. She has served as a judge of many international literary prizes, including the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, the Spender Poetry in Translation Prize, the IMPAC Dublin Prize and now, the Women Writers in Translation Prize. She is an elected Fellow of the Academia Europaea, the Institute of Linguists and the Royal Society of Literature. Since 2016 she has been President of the British Comparative Literature Association.
FUSP Advisory Board Blumczynski

Piotr Blumczynski

Is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting in the School of Arts, English and Languages at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, where he teaches on postgraduate programmes and supervises doctoral research. His earlier work focused on the ideological influences in the translation of sacred texts. More recently, he has been exploring questions of ethics in the processes of knowledge production and transmission, and testing the concept of translation beyond its traditionally linguistic boundaries. His book Ubiquitous Translation (Routledge 2016) looks for translational phenomena in the areas of philosophy, theology, linguistics, and anthropology; his forthcoming monograph traces the practices of relic translations from late antiquity and the Middle Ages up to the present. Piotr led the international research project "English Evaluative Concepts" whose findings were published in the edited volume Translating Values (Palgrave 2016). For several years, he served as a Chief Examiner (English-Polish) for the Diploma of Translation, the highest professional qualification in the UK issued by the Chartered Institute of Linguists. In 2020–2021, he is co-directing, with Steven Wilson, the international project "The Languages of Covid-19", funded by the British Academy. Piotr is the Editor-in-chief of the Routledge journal Translation Studies.
FUSP Advisory Board Brodzki

Bella Brodzki

Is Emerita professor of Comparative Literature at Sarah Lawrence College, where she taught courses in critical and cultural theory, translation studies, autobiography and life narrative, and modernist and contemporary fiction. She is the author of Can These Bones Live?: Translation, Survival, and Cultural Memory; and co-editor of Life/Lines: Theorizing Women’s Autobiography, Trials of Trauma (a special issue of Comparative Literature Studies, 2011), and Translating Memory across Cultures and Disciplines (a special issue of Translation, 2017). Her essays have appeared in such journals as PMLA, Yale French Studies, and MLN, among others.
FUSP Advisory Board Estrada

Antonia Carcelén-Estrada

Is an activist, translator, and scholar of comparative literature, cultural race studies, oral history, and early-modern and medieval studies. She has worked at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, as well as for the College of the Holy Cross, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and Sarah Lawrence College. She is currently on a scholarship at the University of New Mexico´s Latin American and Iberian Institute carrying out comparative research on the double Spanish-English colonization of Pueblo nations. Her publications on intercultural translation include, Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World (2022), "Oral Literature" (2018), "Translation and Activism" (2018), "Weaving Abya-Yala" (2017), "What does Sumak Kawsay Mean?" (2016), "Rewriting Memory" (2012), and "Covert and Overt Ideologies in the Translation of the Wycliffe Bible into Huao Terero" (2010). Other decolonial research includes, "Intercultural Indigenous Translation" (2023), "Oral Histories in the Black Pacific" (2022), "Decolonizing Oral History" (2021), and "Jewish and Islamic Foundations" (2020).
FUSP Advisory Board Marais

Kobus Marais

Is professor of translation studies in the Department of Linguistics and Language practice of University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. He published two monographs, namely Translation theory and development studies: A complexity theory approach (2014) and A (bio)semiotic theory of translation: The emergence of social-cultural reality (2018). He also published two edited volumes, one with Ilse Feinauer, Translation studies beyond the postcolony (2017), and one with Reine Meylaerts, Complexity thinking in translation studies: Methodological considerations (2018). His research interests are translation theory, complexity thinking, semiotics/biosemiotics and development studies.
FUSP Advisory Board Merrill

Christi A Merrill

Is professor of South Asian Literature and Postcolonial Theory jointly appointed in the Departments of Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature, where she has been a key part of efforts to establish an interdepartmental program in Critical Translation Studies at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her translations of the oral-based stories of Rajasthani writer Vijaydan Detha, Chouboli and Other Stories, supported by an NEA Literature Fellowship, were co-published by Katha (New Delhi) and Fordham University Press (New York) and won the 2012 A.K. Ramanujan Award for translation from the Association of Asian Studies. She spent the 2013-14 school year in India on an NEH/AIIS Senior Fellowship researching her current book project, Genres of Real Life: Mediating Stories of Injustice Across Languages and translating the life story of the dalit activist Kausalya Baisantry from Hindi. Her articles on human rights and literature in translation have appeared in South Asia, Testimony: Between History and Memory, Memory and Genocide: On what remains and the possibility of representation, Blackwell’s Companion to Translation Studies, boundary 2 and World Literature Today.
FUSP Advisory Board Saraf

Babli Moitra Saraf

Formerly Principal and Professor at the Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi, taught in the Department of English and in the Department of Multimedia and Mass Communication. She holds an MPhil in English and PhD in Sociology, and is fluent in several Indian and foreign languages. She is on the Advisory Board of the Journal for Translation Studies in Africa and Translation: A Transdisciplinary Journal, and a member on the Scientific Board of ‘In Other Wor(l)ds: Project Book Series on translations from Asia and North Africa.’ Her publications include among others, La Cattura and La Preda e altri Racconti (co-translated works of Mahasweta Devi with Maria Federica Oddera), Rajouri Remembered (translation of a partition memoir), Hey Diddle Diddle: Tun-Tun Tara-Tara (Hindi adaptations/translations of popular English nursery rhymes), Selected Hindi Short Stories (ed. & translated into English), ‘Yaaron ke Yaar’ (trans. Into English from Hindi) in Krishna Sobti: A Counter Narrative, Performing Shakespeare in India: Exploring Indianness, Literatures and Cultures (co-edited) and ‘In Search of the Miracle Women: Returning the Gaze,’ in Translation and Interpreting Studies. She has been a a scholar under the Indo–Italian Cultural Exchange Program, a Research Associate and Visiting Faculty at the Nida School of Translation Studies, and a Fellow of the Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrator Seminar. She has received among others, the Distinguished Teacher Award of the University of Delhi, the 27th Dr S. Radhakrishnan Memorial National Award for Teachers, and the C.F. Andrews Distinguished Alumnus Award of the St Stephen’s College, Delhi, for ‘Lifelong Pursuit of Excellence.
FUSP Advisory Board Nergaard

Siri Nergaard

Teaches at the University of Florence in Italy, and at the University of South-Eastern Norway, commuting between the two countries. Her fields are translation theory, semiotics, and cultural studies, and her research focuses on transdisciplinary aspects of translation. In addition to numerous articles, Nergaard is author and editor of several books in Italian on translation studies. Among her most recent publications are "Umberto Eco’s Translation Theory" in The Philosophy of Umberto Eco (Open Court 2017), and her book Translation and Transmigration (Routledge 2021). Nergaard is Director of FUSP – Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation and Editor-in-Chief of the journal, translation. a transdisciplinary journal.
FUSP Advisory Board Rafael

Vicente L. Rafael

Is Professor of History and Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has written extensively on a wide range of topics, focusing on areas such as language and power, the politics of translation and literature, comparative colonialisms and nationalisms, the social history of media and mediation, critical theory and anthropology, empire, race and gender. Rafael’s books include Contracting Colonialism: Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog Society Under Early Spanish Rule; White Love and Other Events in Filipino History; The Promise of the Foreign: Nationalism and the Technics of Translation in the Spanish Philippines; Motherless Tongues: The Insurgency of Language Amid Wars of Translation; and the forthcoming The Sovereign Trickster: Death and Laughter in the Age of Duterte, all published by Duke University Press. He has also published numerous essays in such journals as The Translator; Public Culture; positions: Asian Cultural Critique; The Journal of Asian Studies; American Historical Review; Social Text; Philippine Studies, and other venues.
FUSP Advisory Board Shread

Carolyn Shread

Is Senior Lecturer in French at Mount Holyoke College and teaches translation at Smith College, USA. She translates scholarly and literary texts and has published numerous articles in the field of translation studies. Seven of her eleven published book translations are of work by contemporary French philosopher Catherine Malabou, including Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought (2022), recipient of a French Voices award. Shread’s articles address the intersection of translation and Malabou's signature concept, plasticity, as well as introducing Bracha Ettinger’s psychoanalytic concept of metramorphosis to rethink translational paradigms with a feminist lens. She has a longstanding interest in feminist translation and decolonial translation practices and has published several articles on translating Haitian author Marie Vieux-Chauvet’s Les Rapace.
FUSP Advisory Board Simon

Sherry Simon

Is Distinguished University Research Professor in the French Department at Concordia University. She has published widely in the areas of intercultural and translation studies, most recently exploring the cultural history of linguistically divided cities and translation sites. Among her recent publications are Translating Montreal. Episodes in the Life of a Divided City (2006), Cities in Translation: Intersections of Language and Memory (2012), and Translation Sites. A Field Guide (2019). She has edited or co-edited numerous volumes, including Translation Effects: The Shaping of Modern Canadian Culture (with K. Mezei and L. von Flotow) (2014). She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a member of the Académie des lettres du Québec.
FUSP Advisory Board Woods

Michelle Woods

Is an Associate Professor of English at SUNY New Paltz. She is the author of Kafka Translated: How Translators Have Shaped Our Reading of Kafka (2014), Censoring Translation: Censorship, Theatre and the Politics of Translation (2012), and Translating Milan Kundera (2006). She is the editor of a book of essays on literature and translation, Authorizing Translation (2017), is co-editing a forthcoming book, Teaching Literature in Translation (2022), and writing a book about the female translators of Anna Karenina: Reading Anna. She is co-editor of the book series for Bloomsbury: Literatures, Cultures, Translation. Her translations have appeared in Granta and Words Without Borders.