Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation

Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation

The Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation —a new configuration within FUSP—brings together among the most preeminent and innovative scholars in the field, scholars from all over the world with the aim of practicing and stimulating research on translation, creating and encouraging original, innovative reflection on what translation is and where it takes place.

The Centre is directed by Siri Nergaard and is structured around an operational board and an advisory board, whose members represent distinctive perspectives on translation and are dislocated in different geographical areas of the world.

The Centre aims to be a “thinktank” for translation, a place where scholars can meet physically or digitally, discuss and deliberate, work together, and promote studies and encounters of various types, from closed seminars to conferences, from digital meetings to on-site workshops.

Among its activities, the Centre is responsible for the yearly Summer School, a continuation of the erstwhile Nida School of Translation Studies (NSTS), for the new open access digital version of the international peer-reviewed journal translation. a transdisciplinary journal, and for the new version of the NYU symposium, which is held every year in NYC in collaboration with New York University.

The Centre has come into being during the Pandemic—which is so radically (re)shaping our lives—and necessarily takes advantage of how we are learning to come together despite imposed physical distancing. Its activities are therefore a combination of the opportunities afforded by both online and on-site meetings.


23 June – 27 June 2025

The FUSP – Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation invites advanced graduate students and interested scholars to online gatherings with a hybrid format: via virtual access from anywhere in the world, associates will participate in an ongoing dialogue with faculty who will gather in person. The 2025 FUSP Summer School focuses on materiality, acknowledging the burgeoning transdisciplinary interest in the experience of translation as an “engaged, situated social practice” (Campbell and Vidal 2024) involving “meaning-making across physical, social and cultural domains” (Blumczynski 2023). Thematic directions include the study of translated objects (Vidal Claramonte 2025), the materiality of print culture (book history, periodical studies, archives), sites and artefacts in translation, the translator's habitus, and sensory encounters in techno-mediated environments.

For full details, application, and contact click HERE